Our designers provide comprehensive construction selections for many of the leading builders in San Antonio and several areas throughout Texas. We provide design services along the Texas coast, in the Fort Worth-Dallas area, and along the Texas border. We have worked extensively with clients from Mexico and offer bi-lingual services.
Clients often feel that the building process can be daunting and may over complicate the process. Through the years, Class, Covers & Color has refined the construction selection process. Our professional design team guides the client through this process in a format which culminates in an interior which represents the client’s style and the designer’s expertise.
Our designers have years of experience dealing with many materials and techniques which are required to successfully compete the construction selection process. In addition, attention to detail and accuracy are key to a smooth construction implementation process. Our clients leave us feeling that their lives have been enriched by the experience and their projects enhanced through the Class, Covers & Color design process.